
Berlin - Germany

德國柏林 Charité 醫學院附設 Virchow 醫院院區有部分供給通道的地板需要修復翻新,多虧MC 提供符合需求的最佳解決方案,在短短兩周內即完成具有高表面硬度的承重找平層施工。


校園中的建築物通過地下通道相連,以利車輛運送食品、日用品與醫療設備等必需品。 歷經20多年的使用,造成通道地板有多處龜裂磨損,為了避免造成人身安全與結構安全的危險,進行翻新工程是勢在必行! 該院區管理層委託 Bahnsch GmbH 公司擔任總承包商來開始這個專案項目。其與 MC 區域經理 Steffen Sünboldt 先生、找平層鋪設專家 Mike Köhnke 先生共同合作,並安排 SOKO Fussboden GmbH 公司進行鋪設作業。


Tunnel floors completely rehabilitated

Initially, a section of about 500 m² of the underground supply tunnels was to be replaced. The client required a bonded screed between six and 12 centimetres thick with a strength of > 40 N/mm², which was to be released ready for full-load transport operations as quickly as possible. 
First, the old screed was removed down to the load-bearing concrete. The remaining substrate was then prepared for the new floor system by shot-blasting. Because the substrate was not particularly absorbent and needed a good bond, MC-Estripox pro – a product characterised by particularly good adhesion to mineral substrates – was chosen as primer and bond coat in one.

Screed-laying in a supply tunnel of the Virchow Hospital Campus of Charité Berlin
Screed-laying in a supply tunnel of the Virchow Hospital Campus of Charité Berlin
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

The ideal solution: MC’s rapid-set cement

The screed was then laid on top using the fresh-in-fresh technique. Due to its low shrinkage behaviour, MC-Floor TurboCem was used to achieve the required layer thickness and strength. This fast-setting cement combines long working times with very rapid strength development. Graded CT-C50-F7 according to EN 13813, MC-Floor TurboCem has higher compressive and flexural strength values than standard screeds. It is installed earth-moist, can be walked over after only four to six hours, and after just 24 hours exhibits a compressive strength of > 20 N/mm² and a residual moisture content of < 3 %. Just one week later the carbon-fibre-reinforced, mechanically highly resistant MC-Floor Connect ST joint profiles were installed.
Exceptional appearance and protection with MC-Estrifan Color Protect pro

The entire screed was then primed with MC-DUR 1177 WV-A. The two-component, water-dispersed epoxy resin is the ideal bond coat between screed and sealant and can also be used on matt-damp mineral substrates. The top seal was applied in two layers using MC-Estrifan Color Protect pro.

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    Berlin - Germany, 2020

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