MC-Montan Injekt DS 確保土壤固結

Rischon LeZion - Israel

位於以色列 Rishon LeZion小鎮的這個專案,需要在土壤條件不穩定的環境中重新鋪設汙水管道,可能會導致結構性的危害。然而,使用我們高效能 MC-Montan Injket DS 則可以確保施工範圍的土壤水平穩固,增加汙水管的安全性。

Rishon LeZion is an Israeli town in the southern part of the Tel Aviv-Jaffa metropolitan area, about ten kilometres south of Tel Aviv itself. In August 2019, the mating horizontal and vertical sections of a sewer pipe running through a residential area needed to be re-laid to increase system stability. The surrounding soil, which consists of very fine sand and is therefore difficult to stabilise, was a particular challenge. The work was further hindered by the fact that the area to be excavated was on a slope. The Israeli wastewater company Shafdan awarded the project to general contractor Rimon Ltd. from Caesarea, and they in turn commissioned Herodeng Engineering Solutions Ltd. to perform the consolidation work. Herodeng has in the past frequently collaborated with the Israeli partner of MC, AZ Marketing Ltd., and has been trained by MC and AZ in various groundworking techniques such as soil-consolidating injection methods. The planning engineer Shmuel Engel from Engel Engineering Ltd. in Tel Aviv has also participated in such events.


Sound advance planning and advice

The soil sample from Israel was tested beforehand at MC in Bottrop, Germany, with regard to the strength levels to be achieved with the injection resin and the various requirements identified by the planning engineer. Wolfgang Litz, Business Development Manager of MC and the regional coordinator responsible for Israel, actively supported the project from the very beginning, while injection expert Daniel Vandamme provided on-site advice as the work progressed. In order to stabilise the fine sandy soil on the slope, it was decided to inject a block section measuring 4 x 4 x 2.5 m. 

Thanks to MC-Montan Injekt DS, the fine sandy subsoil in Rishon LeZion was successfully consolidated, enabling the sewage pipe to be re-laid and stabilised.
Thanks to MC-Montan Injekt DS, the fine sandy subsoil in Rishon LeZion was successfully consolidated, enabling the sewage pipe to be re-laid and stabilised.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

MC-Montan Injekt DS delivers

This required a resin that could be injected at high pressure, had an appropriate viscosity and quickly developed sufficient strength to achieve adequate soil stability. The choice fell unanimously on MC-Montan Injekt DS, the injection resin for the flexible waterproofing and bonding of rock zones and soil. MC-Montan lnjekt DS is a two-component product of particularly low viscosity that reacts to form an elastic, waterproof resin block incorporating the rock and soil into which it is injected. Like all MC-Montan injection resins, it offers the necessary good injectability and variable reaction times with selectable expansion values.


MC-Montan Injekt DS also meets the requirements of the DIBt (German Institute of Building Technology) pertaining to assessment of the effects of construction products on soil and groundwater when used to seal and consolidate loose rock, confirming that its use leads to no deleterious modification of the soil nor to groundwater contamination. The injection resin has a water-displacing effect and produces a controlled pore pattern with limited volume increase while still retaining its high elasticity. Thanks to a good mix of sound advice in advance of the work and smooth cooperation between all participants on the construction site, even this highly problematic subsoil for sewage pipe stabilisation was successfully consolidated within a short time.

  • 姓名

    MC-Montan Injekt DS 確保土壤固結

  • 國家

    Rischon LeZion - Israel, 2020

  • 分類

abs 123 abs 123 abs 123 abs 123 abs 123 abs 123 abs 123